Saturday, March 23, 2013

Cool People I've Never Met

 First up is the first drawn, Gucci Mane. I mean come on, who doesn't think Gucci is cool? Although it is becoming a bit obvious that he is beginning to lose his mind.
 Next up is legendary motorcycle builder, the one and only Trevelen. Known for his lowrider style bikes, he often uses vintage car parts as accent pieces. There's more, but you'll have to look him up to find out.
 Onto the musicians; with these two guys everything you need to know about their personalities can be deciphered by just listening to their music. First up is the man himself J Mascis, of Dinosaur Jr. fame. Duh.
 Here we have David Bazan, the frontman behind Pedro the Lion. Although Pedro the Lion has since disbanded, he still writes powerful and personal songs as a solo artist.
Lastly I give you the oddball, both in theme and in paper color. This is the San Francisco based tattoo artist Grime. Identified by the burn scars all over his face and body but known for his insane work ethic and attention to detail, he runs one of the most highly revered tattoo shops in SF, Skull & Sword.